Posts Tagged ‘Jessie Holeva’

My Appearance and Election Day

November 30, 2011

November 8

When walking into the newsroom on this election day, I could tell everyone was in a state of frenzy. Someone said election day is the worst day in a television newsroom. I was asked to stay and help tally the results from the election so I put in a long shift today.

On our PA Live! show, we had Trend Hungry Tuesday with Jessie Holeva, information about a cancer benefit for a Schuylkill County toddler, election day preview, and Harold Jenkins with “life” blogs.

Dave and Monica tried to hula hoop on the show. Experts were showing them the best way to hula. Monica was very good at it, but I think Dave needs a little practice. I can’t say anything because I can’t hula hoop either. No matter how much I tried as a kid and even with certain competitions, I could never get the hang of it.

In the kitchen today was Laura’s Sweet Gourmet. She made whole wheat sticky buns. The smell lingered through the studio throughout the entire show. When it was about two minutes before the final taste test, Dave and Monica realized that all the guests were gone and they didn’t have anyone to test the food. They asked me to come on camera and try the whole wheat sticky buns. I must say they were delicious! It was really neat to be on camera. Dave was really nice and introduced me as the intern and told everyone what a great job I’m doing. When I was tasted the treat, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. When I went to check it, it was some of my friends who saw the show. I got text messages that said “How’s the sticky bun? and “I see you!”. I was surprised that they watch the show.

After helping clean up and post videos, I left WBRE for a little and went to a meeting for my job. When I walked into the meeting, a few people asked me if that was me who was on television. I guess they were turning the channel on for the news and they saw me. It was great hearing all this because it shows how many people actually watch the show.

After my meeting, I headed back to WBRE to help with Election Night. Monica and I sat at computers and were in charge of calculating the results for about ten different races. One of the races was for the Luzerne County Council. This race was very tricky because there were so many candidates. It was also confusing because so many people thought there was only one Steven Urban running. Most people thought he was just running under both parties. However, it was a father and the son that were running. One needed to look at the middle initial to distinguish the two.

We had to keep checking the latest results on county websites and also by calling polling stations. It was a fun night and something different. It is crucial that we tallied the results as fast and accurately as possible. I’m glad they asked me to help.